Privacy Policy  Terms of Service

Student & Parent Personal Information: Jupiter stores Student and Parent information, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, ID numbers, and grades. Instructors and School staff may enable parts of their own student data to be sent to a third-party for integration with other educational apps. Aside from that, Jupiter does not and shall not share any personal information with third parties. The Instructor or School may optionally require Students and Parents to enter personal information on the Web App, including email addresses and phone numbers. If the Student is under 13, the Instructor or School must get the Parent's consent as required by the U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Alternatively, the Instructor or School may enter the Student's personal information from school records. Under our Terms of Service, the Instructor or School may use this information only for educational purposes. The Instructor also enters the Student's grades and personal comments. This information is available only to the Instructor and other staff at the same school district, depending on the permission settings set by the School or Instructor. Students and Parents may also see their own information, but not of other Students. Personal information may be seen by Jupiter support staff when you ask for technical support. The Web App uses password protection, security codes, and encryption to prevent anyone else from accessing personal information. To ensure privacy, Students and Parents must keep their passwords confidential and logout when done.

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA): U.S. Federal law requires certain student information to be kept private. Jupiter is fully compliant with all requirements of FERPA under the "school official" exception (CFR)§99.31(a)(1), because your data is in your direct control and ownership, and used only for legitimate educational interests and functions that the School's own employees normally perform. FERPA does not require parental consent for such use. Jupiter does not and shall not share any personally identifiable information (PII) with any third party, or use it for non-educational purposes (spam, targeted ads), except when a School or Instructor initiates or enables their own student data (directory information) to be sent to a third party to integrate with other applications. Jupiter has several security features to protect the privacy of student data. You agree that Jupiter shall not be liable if Schools or Instructors neglect to use these security features properly.

European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): This law applies only to the European Union. While Jupiter complies with best practices for privacy and data protection, it does not comply with all logistic provisions of the GDPR. You are solely responsible for how you collect and use personal data on students, parents, and staff.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Student health records that are posted to Jupiter are protected under FERPA as education records. HIPAA Privacy Rule at 45 CFR § 160.103 states "Protected health information excludes individually identifiable health information: (i) In education records covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1232g".

Staff Personal Information: Instructors, School staff, and Content Providers are required to give some personal information on the Web App, including name, email address, school name and location, and optionally phone number. Some of this information is made available to Students and Parents when they login, but Staff may optionally hide their email address and phone number. Other Staff at the same school may see personal information, but they never see passwords. (If you do not want other staff to see your data, create your own fake school.) Staff information may be seen by Jupiter support staff when you ask for technical support. The Web App uses password protection and encryption to prevent anyone else from accessing Staff accounts. Staff users must keep their passwords confidential and logout when done using the Web App to ensure their privacy and the privacy of their Students and Parents.

Financial Information: If you pay online, your credit card number is sent to Braintree as a third party to process online payments, in accordance with their Privacy Policy posted at Jupiter is fully PCI compliant. We do not store your credit card number, and we do not initiate any automatic or recurring payments.

Curriculum: Any original content you enter in the Web App remains your intellectual property with full rights. Curriculum is kept private, with strict security measures to block hackers. Your students see your curriculum only if you put it online for them. Other people cannot see your curriculum unless you explicitly share it with other Instructors or publish it to the public EdStore. Standard copyright laws apply to any curriculum published in the EdStore. The author of any published curriculum may write a copyright notice to give permission or restrict Instructors from modifying or redistributing their content.

Unsolicited Email (Spam): Jupiter sends email to Instructors and School staff for security alerts and confirmations. All other notices and promotions are usually communicated through the Web App when you login, but they may be sent in email on occasion. Jupiter does not contact Students and Parents except if needed to service an account.

Third Parties: Jupiter does not share any account information, data, or personally identifiable information (PII) with third parties except as described above or as required by law or legal professionals. Even in those cases, Jupiter shall share only the minimal data required.

Advertisements: Jupiter does not contain any third-party ads, targeted or otherwise.

Data Ownership & Deletion: You are the owner of your data. Your data is deleted automatically after you discontinue your account. Normally this occurs after several months (some users change their minds), but upon request we will delete your data immediately.

Notification of Breach: If a data breach occurs, we will notify you if your account was potentially affected, explaining what data was exposed and to whom. We will post a notice in your Inbox within 24 hours after a breach is discovered and patched.

Cookies & Log Files: Like most websites, Jupiter uses Cookies and Log Files. In addition to the information you provide voluntarily, all websites can identify your computer's operating system, browser, IP address, internet service provider (ISP), city location, and the webpage that linked you to this Web App. If you reject or disable cookies, some features of the Web App may not function.

How We Use Your Data: Your data is used only for educational purposes. We may analyze non-personal data for research and to improve the features and show announcements relevant to the features you use. We use cookies and IP addresses for security, mostly to detect potentially unauthorized access to accounts. We do not use third-party ads.

Data Location: Our servers are located in the United States.

Google Drive: Our application adheres to Google's limited use policy. Jupiter accesses and uses your data as follows:

Amendments: This Privacy Policy may be amended occasionally with or without notice. Any revisions are effective immediately once posted on Your continued use of the Web App shall indicate your acceptance of the revision. In the event Jupiter is acquired, merged, or sold in part to another company, your personal information would likely be among the assets transferred. You will be notified in advance of any such change.

Contact: If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, or to report a violation of the Terms of Service, please contact us.