for individual teachers
Jupiter is the Gradebook and Learning Platform loved by teachers! It makes grading so much faster and easier, with the flexibility to grade the way you want. Use standards and rubrics, and instantly see whose grades are dropping.

Create online tests and lessons, and students turn in files online. Parents and students can receive automatic alerts for missing assignments and low grades. Email your whole class, and have online discussions.

Upgrade to a School Account anytime for more features.

Classroom Management
Apps &


Any Grade Scale, with or without percents, like A/B/C/D/F, E/S/N, 4/3/2/1, etc.


Cumulative Grades across multiple grading periods, with optional weights like Qtr1 40%, Qtr2 40%, and Final Exam 20%.


Override grades with any percent or mark, like INC or W, or Raise/Lower their grade by a fixed percent.

Scores & Assignments


Customize Special Marks for excused, missing, etc.


Set a Minimum Score like 50% so it’s possible to recover from missing assignments or a bombed test.


Drop Low Scores from a category, like the 3 lowest homework scores or 1 lowest quiz.


Curve Scores on any assignment.


Assign Independent Study or Differentiated assignments.


Transfer Grades automatically when students transfer to a different section.

Grade Entry


Enter scores as Points, Percents, Letter Grades, or Rubrics.


Combine Sections on one screen.


What If grades, to show a student what their grade would be if they turned in missing work or redid a test.


Anonymous Grading so student names are hidden while you grade essays and written answers.


Grade One Question at a time for all students, for speed and consistency.


Enter Adjustments for extra credit and penalties, like “25+2” or “40-5%”.

Grade Reporting


Your dashboard shows who has climbing or Falling Grades so you can intervene.


Graph Grades distribution on any assignment or course total, plus Mean/Median.


Graph Impact of each assignment on the student’s grade, so they see the consequence of a bombed test or missing work.


Create Categories for Homework, Tests, etc., optionally weighted.

Attendance recorded automatically from student login activity

Video Meeting links integrated

Turn In files/photos online

Write Feedback directly on files/photos

Discussion Forums

Online Tests

Interactive Lessons

Turn in files directly from Google Drive & Dropbox.

Synchronize grades from Google Classroom.

Students and parents see homework and grades for all their classes on One Screen.

Like a Personal Assistant, it shows what homework is due tomorrow, plus larger projects due soon, plus upcoming tests.

It reminds them if they are Missing any assignments.

They can check off homework from their To Do list as they complete assignments.

It highlights new Grades & Comments from their teachers.

Based Grading
Create your own tests and quizzes for students to take online.

Import tests from text documents.

9 Question Types

•  Multiple Choice
•  Multiple Answer
•  True-False
•  Matching
•  Sorting/Sequencing
•  Fill in the Blanks
•  Short Write-In
•  Long Write-In
•  Drawing/Graphing

Automatic Grading even for write-ins!

•  Multiple answer keys and partial credit allowed.
•  Accept misspellings and ignore punctuation.
•  Accept equivalent math expressions, e.g. it knows “xn-3” and “-3+n(x)” are the same.

Random Order of questions and answers.

Random Questions pulled from question banks.

Objectives aligned to each question for Standards-based grading.

Time Limits with exceptions for individuals with special needs.

Print tests as needed.

Item Analysis to see where students need more help, and to throw out unclear questions.

Re-Key tests to make corrections, even while students are still working!

Create your own interactive tutorials, exercises, and workbooks.

Instant Feedback after each question.

Drill missed questions automatically, like flash cards.

Multi-Media including images, audio, and video.

Automatic Speech to help non-native readers, special needs students, and aural learners.

Foreign Languages spoken, 35 supported!

Listening Comprehension questions, where text is spoken but not shown.

Grade students on multiple learning objectives, or traditional average, or both.

Common-Core standards preloaded, or customize your own.

4, 4-, 3+, 3... or A-F or any custom rubric scale.

Reports Cards standards graded automatically — see sample

Curriculum Map to ensure all objectives are covered, and monitor each student’s progress and overall class average.

Summative grade to report mastery achieved, or average across whole term.

Test Questions Aligned to specific objectives for automatic standards grading.

Rubric Charts for assignment requirements, like essay content, style, and conventions. Or enter subtotal points for each requirement. Weight each requirement toward total score.

Let students turn in files online, then view and grade them in One Window.

Import files from Google and Dropbox.

Draw and type comments on photos and PDFs, so students can turn in pictures of their work.

Even apply a digital Sticker!

Shortcuts to insert comments in just two clicks, so grading essays is much faster.  Try it!

Portfolios for students to showcase their best work, from multiple classes across multiple years.

Math Notation
& Chemistry
& Reliability
Intuitive equation editor built-in for math like
x =  −b ± b2 − 4ac 

Create math test questions that automatically accept equivalent math expressions,
e.g. where “xn - 3” and “-3 + n(x)” are both correct.

Shortcuts to type chemical equations without having to format sup/subscript, like

2H+ + CO32- → H2O + CO2
Let peers review each others’ essays and insert comments.

Exchange Random peer reviews, optionally Anonymous.

Students may also invite feedback from anyone, or even non-students like parents and tutors.

Create a Forum for students to post their ideas, images, or videos for peers to comment on.
Set rules for automatic grading of participation.


FERPA compliant, under the “school official” exception: Your data is in your direct control, owned by you, and used only for legitimate educational interests and functions that school employees normally perform.

No Ads and no data shared with 3rd parties (except the integrations you authorize)


Encrypted connections and passwords and Two-Factor Authentication

Suspicious Logins detected automatically, with email/text alerts, and cross-referenced access logs to identify intruders (e.g. a student hacker)

Proven defenses against Malicious Attacks: XSS, SQL injection, brute force, phishing, DDoS, and other exploits

Automatic Logout with configurable time limit


Server Backups nightly to off-site location and redundant disks and hardware.

Auto Save

Offline Access supported if students lose their network connection during a test.

Upgrades & Patches installed automatically with Maximum Uptime.

Easily Undelete assignments, classes, etc.

We developed Jupiter entirely in-house as an All In One app, not separate apps acquired from third parties and bundled together. This avoids data-synchronization errors and data latency.


Cloud Hosted

Mobile App for Android, iPhone, iPad


Mac Safari, Chrome, Firefox

Windows Edge, Chrome, Firefox

No Plug-Ins required

Technical Support

Email responses usually Within 1 Hour during business hours!

Video Tutorials and searchable Help Guide

& Alerts
Send email messages directly from Jupiter.

Set automatic Alerts for low grades and missing assignments.

Students and parents customize their email Preferences.

Online Discussions, Q&A, Critiques, and Blogs

Threaded or chronological

Post Images, Videos, and Audio

Student Participation stats with automatic grading formulas

Report and censor inappropriate posts.

For Parents too

Send surveys to students and parents.

Use Multiple Choice questions or Ratings scales.

Tabulate & Graph results automatically.

Optionally let recipients see results so far after they answer.

Student & Parent calendars:

•  Homework & tests
•  Class reminders
•  Bell schedules
•  Team games & practices
•  Club activities
$ 10 / month
+3 months free, billed annually,
USD, for one teacher only, see
school account for more features
Free Trial Pay The program is VERY user-friendly so even those teachers who don’t catch on to new technologies very quickly could also use it.
Joe Kleine
Wright City Middle School, MO
Jupiter is a million times easier, faster, and smoother than the system my university uses. I am able to do more long-answer questions to increase the rigor of my courses, while still reducing the time I spend grading!
Dr. Stephanie Daugherty
University of Texas at Tyler